You"ll Shoot Your Eye Out!

So Merry Christmas Everyone! With that being said, am I the only one who is super duperly excited that A Christmas Story 24 hour marathon is coming on tomorrow? MAN HOLD UP!!! I love this movie with all my heart! Ever since I was a little tike, I have watched this movie at least 8 times in a 3 day time span. Its soooo funny to me. It seems like I laugh at new parts every time! One of my favorite parts is when the dad gets a prize delivered to him at home in this big wooden box marked, "Fragile" and because he is so excited that he won something,and feels like it just has to be something exotic, he reads the box and says, "Fra-ge-ley, it must be Italian" and his wife quickly says, "I think it says Fragile" pronouncing it the correct way. Its the "triple dog dare" that convinced Ralphie's friend to stick his tongue on the freezing pole and have the fire department rescue him. The leg lamp that Ralphie becomes infatuated with. The "Deranged Pink Easter Bunny" outfit Ralphie's aunt makes him for Christmas. I root for Ralphie, when he finally snaps on the neighborhood bully, and screams expletives while socking the bully in the face over and over again. And who can forget the classic line, "YOU'LL SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT" after Ralphie tells his mother, teacher, and even Santa's elf, that all he wants for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB Gun.
This movie first hit theaters in 1983, and still is a classic!
This movie automatically makes the Christmas season official for me.

Im kind of mad at myself for buying the DVD just a few years ago. I know it comes on 24 hours straight starting on Christmas Eve, but for years I have rented the VHS and now DVD right after Thanksgiving and watching it until New Years Day! Its my tradition that I will 10 times out of 10, keep up and pass on to my children. Hopefully, they have my sense of humor and will love the movie as much as I do. If they don't I will probably disown them and put them up for adoption. Sike, just kidding.. kinna... LOL!

Anyway, I wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR! I also hope everyone watches A Christmas Story at least 3 times, just so you get the full effect of all things hilarious about this movie!!